Three Months with Fly Baby Fly

by Elijah Rodriguez


Cheba Lean x Javø

Harlem, New York City


Fly Baby Fly

Q: What is y’all origin story?

Javø: We moved to Lehman in 99 and then from that point on I lived in the sixth floor. My man Ant (Cheba Lean) lived in the 20th floor. And, no funny. We saw each other but we didn’t really know who we were. Then one day I went to the there's like a summer camp little program like right across the way in the area in the neighborhood. I used to go there after school and then they had karate after the after school… Then Ant came in with Sean, his brother, and then like we just chilling out with my cousin. We just sitting there, first time there, in the karate class I see him and I'm like yo he from the building. Then he was like yo what's up how you doing, it was love, making jokes about being in karate. I didn’t see him again until like 12 and then we went to Boys & Girls Harbor.

Cheba Lean: Me and Dame (Javø) already been mans. That's my man's before the music. We got pictures together, we've done things together. The old days of 42nd street when he was acting a fool on 42nd Street doing dumb shit.

Q: How long have y’all been working on this album?

J: I'll say 2019 for sure… Like the process was all right let's go, let's go, let's go, let's do it. We had the idea but then it was like we have each other’s lives. Things slow down, you feel me.

Q: Cheba, can you speak on your lyricism and stories that you tell?

C: I just be speaking how I feel. These are just things I grew up on… This is my reference to how I feel and how it fits into this bar. I guess my references come from how I’m feeling in that moment or what I’m doing. There’s times I’m chilling with Dame, we watching something on T.V. and now fuck it, I got a bar right there to say.

Q: How did y’all figure out the song placement?

C: This one is hilarious because Dame was getting tight at me at one point because I done changed this shit so many times.

J: That’s why it was two years!

C: I had it set up so many different ways because he kept sending me beats. So I had to go do both songs to see which one would fit better.

Q: What you reading right now?

C: Frank Lucas.

J: I’m reading Raekwon’s book cause Ant let me borrow that.

C: We just switched.

Q: What’s your favorite song on the album?

C: Retrograde. Retrograde my hardest song to me. I just spit some magical shit that night.

J: My favorite is Athina Spa because it’s a blend song.

Q: What’s next?

C: Retrograde the video is coming very, very soon… I’ll give you the name of my next project. Dame producing that too.

Listen to Fly Baby Fly now:

Apple Music:


Connect with Cheba Lean and Javø:

